We understand that your cat(s) may have a sweet, calm and docile disposition but please keep in mind that they are in their home environment where they feel safe, secure and on their own territory. Most cats are not used to going places except to the vet, they don't go for walks, car rides, cat parks to play nor do they meet other people outside of their home. So, when you bring your cat to get groomed you are taking them out of their home environment, in the car where they are experiencing new sounds, sites and even car motion which can create motion sickness, on top of that now you are introducing them to someone they have never seen and a place that is foreign to them. This is very stressful for your cat and can create a different personality than what you see at home. If at any time your cat becomes nervous, scared, or aggressive, we will take the time to slow down and help them feel comfortable and calm. Ensuring the safety and stress-free experience of the cats in our care is paramount to us. Since we use sharp tools, and they are exposed to noises they are not familiar with, preventing injuries is crucial. We will work with your cat and may even provide treats to ensure they are at ease, creating a positive grooming experience that will last a lifetime. If your cat is having issues during the grooming session, we will always communicate this to you; please understand we are not saying that your cat is a bad cat, not sweet or loving!! We will NOT press your cat past their comfort and/or stress level, we will stop at any point in our initial assessment and/or groom if need be. We only groom with tender loving care, in a low stress environment with relaxed handling techniques. Please bear in mind the difference's your cat is facing between security at home and foreign land here!
Do cats need to be groomed on a regular basis?
Yes, absolutely! It is a common misconception that cats do not need a bath because they groom themselves. Cats are unable to manage all of their grooming needs on their own. Cats groom by licking their fur, licking does not produce soap and water. When they do this, they cover their body with their saliva; the number one factor that create human allergies. It is NOT the fur that we are allergic to, it's the salvia! Licking does nothing to combat tangles, mats, dandruff, skin conditions, and unsanitary things hanging from its hindquarters. Cats are prideful animals and like to be clean and comfortable. Cats are no different from a person or a dog with skin, hair and pores that never stop producing oil. Each species needs to be regularly bathed/cleaned. Not bathing your cat will create more grease, filth, hairballs, mats and unsanitary conditions overall for both the cat and your home.
Aren't cats supposed to “groom themselves”?
Well, no. Not all cats have the ideal hair, weight, and overall health to make self-care a breeze. When cats are not maintaining themselves, the problem (grease, mats, hairballs, dingleberries stuck to their hindquarters, etc.) is usually painful, uncomfortable and even embarrassing for your cat. Tugging on a cat really hurts and is offensive. Regular grooming keeps shedding and hairballs at a minimal as well as keeping mats under control. Regular, hands-on professional grooming will offer you with a maintained, healthy, clean coat and happy cat! We recommend all cats to stay on at least a 12-week schedule for normal maintenance, however, high maintenance breeds for example Persians, Ragdolls, Himalayans, Siberians and Maine Coons are encouraged to be on an 8-week schedule to keep their thick coats manageable, grease and mat free. We also encourage very senior cats (16 years+) to be on a 4-6 week schedule as they just become too tired to attend to their grooming needs. All cats MUST be seen at least once every 6 months in order to remain a client with Kitty Cuts, grooming a cat once a year or only as needed is not beneficial and creates extra unnecessary stress for the cat.
What are the benefits to having my cat professionally groomed?
Reduce Shedding......Reduce Allergies.....No More Hairballs.....Less Expense.....Reduce Matting.....Less Stress...... Super Soft Touchable Fur....Clipped Nails....Clean Ears
How often should my cat be groomed?
We suggest scheduling appointments every 8-12-weeks to keep your cat's coat in good condition as long as you are putting effort in at home to keep the cats coat mat free. Cats with cottony dilute coats will need groomed more frequently than those with coarser coats and we recommend at least every 8 weeks. The soft cotton like fur has a tendency to become tangled more quickly than coarse fur. We recommend all cats to stay on at least a 12-week schedule for normal maintenance, however, high maintenance breeds for example Persians, Ragdolls, Himalayans, Siberians and Maine Coons are encouraged to be on an 8-week schedule to keep their thick coats manageable, grease and mat free. We also encourage very senior cats (16 years+) to be on a 4-6 week schedule as they just become too tired to attend to their grooming needs. Shy or fearful cats may benefit from more frequent grooming sessions until they become accustomed to the process.
All cats MUST be seen at least once every 6 months in order to remain a client with Kitty Cuts, grooming a cat once a year or only as needed is not beneficial and creates extra unnecessary stress for the cat.
All cats MUST be seen at least once every 6 months in order to remain a client with Kitty Cuts, grooming a cat once a year or only as needed is not beneficial and creates extra unnecessary stress for the cat.
Do short haired cats need to be groomed?
Absolutely, even short haired cats will benefit greatly from regular grooming! Short haired cats actually shed more than long haired cats and can also become matted. Keeping your cat(s) on a regular grooming schedule will reduce the amount of hair on your furniture and clothes while also reducing the number of messes you clean up for gross hairballs and dingleberries.
Don't cats hate water?
It is a common misconception that cats hate water. Though, some may not be overjoyed with the process, they do tend to tolerate it quite well. Most cats show little to no stress during their bath. The warm water and gentle massage can even be very relaxing. It may take a couple sessions for your cat to become accustomed to bathing and the grooming process but soon they will understand there is nothing to fear.
will you sedate my cat?
We do not sedate or administer any type of sedation to cats, nor can we groom a completely sedated cat; that can only be performed by a veterinarian where your cat can be monitored under anesthesia. If we think your cat is just a little over stressed that a mild sedative may allow for the cat to be calmer during the grooming process, we will discuss options with or refer you to your veterinarian to talk about your options. For a more holistic man-made approach, we do sell pure, organically grown Full Spectrum CBD oil that is made locally by Canna Consult You, if you decide to go this route you will be provided with a schedule to administer dosage at least 48 hours before your cat(s) grooming appointment to help maintain normal emotional balance and promote relaxation. I encourage you to reach out to Canna Consult You at any time to speak further about the product and its usefulness. Cannabis has long been studied for its anti-anxiety effects. Scientists have found that CBD has a particularly calming effect – both on animals and in humans, it contains very miniscule amounts of THC as it is needed in order for the CBD to be effective. If you have ever used CBD and were told that there was no THC then the product did not work, or you were lied to. THC, as well as the other Cannabinoids found in Full Spectrum CBD oil are key to ensuring the CBD is as effective as it can be. These properties work best together as an army. The owner of Canna Consult You is a certified Cannancian coach or counselor educated and knowledgeable in the use of Cannabis as medicine.
CBD has been useful for bouts of anxiety; however, CBD doesn’t cause extreme sedation the way many other anti-anxiety and prescription medications that you will get at your vet can. A few client cats take this CBD to help with their anxiety and aggressiveness that they displayed during grooming and would not be able to be groomed without it.
We also recommend Rescue Remedy for Pets and/or Zylkene pills, both of which can be purchased off of Amazon or right from our "Shop" page, however, with any product always test the efficacy before your appointment to make sure it works and doesn't provide an opposite effect. NEVER give your pet any type of sedation without OUR prior knowledge. Oral sedation can make some pets feel more vulnerable and less in control and actually make them more inclined to bite. NEVER administer antihistamines to your pet prior to grooming. Keep in mind that while they can calm some animals, others may have the opposite effect and be highly agitated for grooming.
CBD has been useful for bouts of anxiety; however, CBD doesn’t cause extreme sedation the way many other anti-anxiety and prescription medications that you will get at your vet can. A few client cats take this CBD to help with their anxiety and aggressiveness that they displayed during grooming and would not be able to be groomed without it.
We also recommend Rescue Remedy for Pets and/or Zylkene pills, both of which can be purchased off of Amazon or right from our "Shop" page, however, with any product always test the efficacy before your appointment to make sure it works and doesn't provide an opposite effect. NEVER give your pet any type of sedation without OUR prior knowledge. Oral sedation can make some pets feel more vulnerable and less in control and actually make them more inclined to bite. NEVER administer antihistamines to your pet prior to grooming. Keep in mind that while they can calm some animals, others may have the opposite effect and be highly agitated for grooming.
Will this help my allergies from my cat?
100% YES!! People who have allergies to cats have them twice as often as dog allergies. Contrary to what you might think, it's not the fur or hair that's the real problem, it's the proteins (Fel D-1) that are found in the cat's saliva, urine, and dander (dried flakes of skin). If you let your cat outside, they can also bring in different allergens on their fur such as pollen, mold, and other substances. When cats lick themselves, they spread this protein onto their fur and when they shed, or dander falls off them the allergen is deposited into the home and environment. By getting your cat professionally groomed, your groomer is washing away this protein as well as the dirt and grease that is causing more dander. Especially when your cat is matted it is just holding that allergen and dead/dry skin in those tight mats, as the skin has no way to breathe to remove it. Cats don't groom themselves; they lick themselves!!
how long will my appointment take?
We go at the cat's pace to ensure a positive experience we typically allow 1 1/2 - 2 hours per cat appointment, however, if your cat is severely pelted or matted, or may need breaks, the groom time may take longer. Once we see your cat/cats in person, we will be able to give you an approximate timeframe, however, we will text you when your pet is ready to be picked up. We believe cats are better served by not being away from their normal home environment any longer than possible, and therefore strive to complete each groom in an efficient and timely manner. Nevertheless, we reserve the right to discontinue any grooming service that we believe may cause physical or emotional harm to a cat. It's important to understand that not all cats are suitable candidates for professional grooming or for the various grooming styles that we provide.
Is every cat a candidate for grooming?
Not all cats are candidates grooming and/or for all services. Some cats are not good candidates for clipper work based on skin/body condition and personality. An assessment will be done on your cat at its scheduled appointment, from there we will go through with you the best options. The goal is to build a trusting relationship with your cat by keeping them calm and comfortable while solving the problem for the visit! Do not get discouraged if we are unable to give your cat what you want, keep in mind not all dogs are candidates for grooming and/or certain services either; grooming is about the health, safety and well-being for your cat, it is not about you! Nevertheless, we reserve the right to discontinue any grooming service that we believe may cause physical or emotional harm to a cat. It's important to understand that not all cats are suitable candidates for professional grooming or for the various grooming styles that we provide.
We do let owners stay with their pets during the grooming. Owners can see everything in the salon as it is an open floor plan, we realize you may like to see how your pet is treated and how thorough the grooming process is; so, you are welcome to stay. However, please be aware that a full groom can take 1-2 hours from start to finish. We request that all clients stay seated in the front area of the salon and keep quiet so that your cat can remain calm and comfortable without any added stressors. If we feel your cat may be less stressed and do better with you close by, we will discuss this with you and if you feel comfortable, we will allow for this in order to complete the groom. However, it is with the understanding that if you get injured, you are response for any injury that you may incur as well as any expenses that may occur due to injury. Kitty Cuts Grooming, LLC is not responsible for any medical, mental or financial cost that a client may incur due to an injury from their own cat. Our groomers have extensive training, experience, skills and knowledge in grooming cats and know the signs when a cat is ready to swat, bite, hiss, growl or even try to escape, please trust us; we are here for the well-being of your cat. If the cat is aggressive, we need individuals who have been specially trained to help groom difficult cats. Even the smallest cat bite can lead to terrible infection and possible hospitalization for the groomer, which would result in loss of income. Cat bites can also cause nerve damage that can lead to inability to work.
If you know/suspect your cat has fleas, please pick up Capstar (can be purchased at a vet, pet stores, Amazon, etc) and administer it to your pet 30 minutes prior to coming in. Capstar is an oral treatment that starts to kill adult fleas within 30 minutes and continues to kill them for up to 12 hours. However, keep in mind that this medicine only kills adult fleas, there are still eggs, larvae and pupae that are present in your home so additional treatments need to be taken by a veterinarian prescribed drug. By giving your cat Capstar and me providing a flea bath will not kill the fleas that are present in your home, greater measures need to be taken to rid the environment of fleas.
Should we find live fleas on your cat we will administer a Capstar and provide a flea bath, however, there will be an additional fee of $35 added onto the groom price!!!
If live fleas are found, depending on the severity of the infestation your cat may not get groomed that day. We can provide you with a Capstar to administer to start treatment and once your cat is flea-free you may reschedule their grooming. You will still be responsible for the cost of what grooming has been done, plus an additional $15 per Capstar pill.
Should we find live fleas on your cat we will administer a Capstar and provide a flea bath, however, there will be an additional fee of $35 added onto the groom price!!!
If live fleas are found, depending on the severity of the infestation your cat may not get groomed that day. We can provide you with a Capstar to administer to start treatment and once your cat is flea-free you may reschedule their grooming. You will still be responsible for the cost of what grooming has been done, plus an additional $15 per Capstar pill.
What is your cancellation policy?
Should you fail to cancel or reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance, or if you do not show up or call, a $50 cancellation fee will be required before you can reschedule. Because of the personal/individual service that we provide, if you fail to keep your appointment, we do not have time to replace the appointment with someone from the cancellation list, we lose money. Please keep in mind that if you have an issue with this policy, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY, however, any future attempts to reschedule will be declined.
We require cats to be brought to us in a crate or carrier that is both SAFE and COMFORTABLE for them. Also, please place a towel, blanket, and/or a pee pad inside your crate, not only for accidents, but this also provides comfort from the familiar scent of you/home. Be mindful that they are not too small, or you're using anything not intended to transport live animals! Please have a crate for each cat you bring in, as some cats can behave unexpectedly towards each other after their groom. Cats may look and will smell differently after grooming; this may make them less familiar to each other for a short time. They may need to be placed in their carrier to wait for your pickup, if another appointment arrives in the meantime, and we never know when an emergency may happen; for instance; one day the smoke alarm went off in the plaza and we had to get the cat in their carrier mid groom and move to our cars for safe keeping. We have a very busy parking lot! Your cat is more inclined to go into their carrier with their familiar smells in a time of urgency.
Can I drop my cat off early or can they stay all day?
We like to have cats in the salon for the shortest time possible and only work on a 1-on-1 basis, that's what makes Kitty Cuts unique in catering to each individual cat or family of cats. Please arrive on time for your appointment and pick-up within 20 minutes of receiving your "cat is ready for pick-up" text. Failure to show up within 20 minutes without informing us of your late arrival may subject you to a late pick-up $20 fee as we will need to set your cat up in the bathroom with a litter box and water, as well as clean the bathroom once they leave.
what vaccinations does my cat need?
All cats must have an up-to-date rabies vaccinations, a current certification is required. If you are getting a vaccination prior to grooming it must be administered at least one week before their appointment to avoid any issues your cat may encounter. You may email the certificate to us before your appointment or present it to us upon arrival. If your cat has a medical condition exempting them from a vaccination this needs to be on vet letterhead and emailed directly to us from your vet. Without a valid certificate and/or letter, we cannot perform the services, and your deposit for the appointment will be forfeited. We strongly recommend that all cats be on parasite (flea and tick) prevention. If you have a kitten, a rabies vaccination is not required until 6-months of age.
my cat is fiv+, will you still groom them?
Yes, but you MUST inform us of this prior to their grooming as special cleaning care needs to be done after their time with us.
if my cat gets a lion cut, will the hair grow back?
Yes, but in some cats, it can grow in very slowly and/or sparsely, using clippers can change your cat's coat color and texture, especially after matting. Low or sparse hair regrowth is considered normal for cats as regrowth can be affected by cat's age, diet, health and even time of year. But the hair will eventually grow back to full, original coat length and density. This is NOT the same as alopecia, which refers to a permanent condition and multiple studies state that this does NOT affect cats as it does for dogs. However, be aware that some cats need to go through a full hair growth cycle (sometimes as long as 18-24 months) for this to happen. If your cat's hair does grow back patchy with some bald spots (not in a uniform fashion) and their is no medical condition happening, we have found that shaving them again can give them a better restart for an all-over even regrowth. Because season/time of year can be a factor, shaving them a few months later brings them into a different season for hair growth.
why do you require a credit card on file?
If you fail to give a 24-hour notice to cancel your appointment or you do not show for your scheduled appointment, Kitty Cuts Grooming will charge the credit card on file a $50 fee per cat for late cancellation and/or missed appointment.